Eco Friendly

NICHEM SA (South Africa)

NICHEM SA is committed to promoting the use of products that are not harmful to people and the only planet we live in. Our ecofriendly products are a breakthrough in the world of superior cleaning, odour control and waste degradation. They also are user friendly, safe, biodegradable, non-toxic, non-irritating, non-gaseous, non-flammable, non-pathogenic and non-hazardous.  Harnessing the power of nature, they are enriched with a potent blend of good bacteria and enzymes. These natural superheroes work tirelessly to transform grime into water without resorting to harmful toxins. All our products are manufactured in accordance with internationally recognized standards. 

Performance of NICHEM Green Cleaning Products

Our products clean virtually any stubborn soiling, dirt and grime much better than traditional cleaning chemicals. They are designed for busting grease and grime, superior cleaning, sanitation, deodorising and odour control. The products are packed with good bacteria and enzymes that eat away oily grime and turn it into water without the use of harmful toxins. They break up hydrocarbons and lift the stains from surfaces rather than dissolve or burn them, the way acid-based cleaners and other solvents do. They contain the most sophisticated good bacteria and natural enzymes that effectively break down dirt, grime and grease into organic nutrients which are released safely back into the environment. 

The products are widely used in food care, bathroom care, laundry care, drainage, grease traps, septic tank care, hand care and floor care. They also provide a broad range of degradation capabilities needed for the maintenance of drain lines, grease traps, septic tanks. The products are gentle on the skin and body and leave no discernable trace after use. They are also highly effective even in cold water and thereby save energy.  

Benefits of using NICHEM Green Products

The key benefits of our products include the fact that users are not exposed to toxic fumes and chemicals which are also detrimental to the environment. We are available to help you to “GO Green” there is “No Planet B”. Join the Green revolution and become an Eco Warrior. Bulk buyers and resellers are welcome to get in touch with us.

Wastewater Treatment Solutions

Given that water is one of the scarcest commodities in Africa, there is urgent need to save and re-use water. We have products for making greywater water safer to handle for watering gardens, flushing toilets and uses. Find out more about what we do and our product range featured on this website.

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